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Punyavachanam is a purification ritual done everyday to clean one’s self and one’s home. It is used to clear the energy of the home astrally before doing any ritual.

Punyavachanam Is a purification ritual done everyday to clear our energy in our home and inside our body. This Punyavachanam is done in a special manner to clear all the negative energy and all the negative debris, vibrations around us easily using mantras.

Many people will do this punya vachana only before doing any ritual or an important occasion. What many people have forgotten is that Punyavachanam can be done any day anytime anywhere to clear the bad energy around us.

If we say in a normal manner punyavachana is nothing but cleaning our house by sweeping and mopping but using mantras.


This ritual can look very simple and very easy. What many people misunderstand is the power of the ritual and what it clears in our home. This ritual is done mostly in a compromised manner and not done by many people properly. Many people have forgotten the original way to do the punyavachanam.

What you will learn :

Many people have forgotten how to do the punyavach and what are the steps and the procedures of the punyavachana.In this class you will learn the punyavachana in the detailed manner and the steps will be clearly explained for you and you can easily perform the punyavachana after taking this class. This class will tremendously change your house, your energy, your 7 chakras, 5 koshas, mind. so much that you will find this punyavachana highly effective. In this class you will learn…

  • Detailed special - custom sankalpa
  • Varuna Ashtothra
  • Pavamana Suktam
  • Prokshana Mantra
  • Punyavachana Vidhi
"Punyavachanam is the ritual purification in all 7 dimensions. Doing this ritual will clear a lot of things…"

This class will be very helpful in cleansing your “mind, antahkarana, seven chakras, five koshas, emotional bodies, mental bodies and our astral energy.” Buying this class can help you very much and it can easily clear everything around you. The power of punyavachana is too high that you can even clear a lot of dimensions without us knowing.

To learn this class you only need some basic knowledge on what mantra is and a basic fluency to chant Mantras and lots of bhakti and Shraddha towards mantras. We will give you the proper script and pdf. For your easy learning, you can also use it for future purposes.

  • Comment Author

    Jayati kannan

    This is my feedback of the first class I had with Sri Srinivasan ji. The class started with a positive note with the significance and importance of our culture .He explained the things to be followed soon after getting up from bed and before going to bed at night. I.e. Vandanam to the Universe Lord Nature etc. As we proceeded with class, I could chant some portions of the mantras( which I knew earlier) and he promptly appreciated and encouraged me to practice and do better. I felt very comfortable as I thought here is a Teacher who takes me seriously enough to bring out the best in me with a positive approach. He made sure I understood each step and finally wrapped up with a recap of the entire class. He summed it up with orderly steps which resonates well in my mind. Thank you 🙏

  • Comment Author

    Pazhani kumar

    18 September, 2021

    I am really very much thankful to the Punyavachanam team for guiding me in performing punyavachanam for my girl baby. I realized, a lot of positive changes in my life and my kid's future after performing this Pooja.

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